Free Tutorials
To help you stay on top of your game!
Using Tailwind CSS in Phoenix 1.7
A step-by-step tutorial for using Tailwind CSS in a Phoenix 1.7 app.
Formatting Phoenix HEEx Templates in VS Code
A modern, straightforward way to auto-format HEEx templates in VS Code.
Adding Tailwind CSS to Phoenix 1.6
A step-by-step tutorial for adding Tailwind CSS to a Phoenix 1.6 app.
What Is Hotwire?
Hotwire gives us a practical alternative to the complexity of SPAs without sacrificing speed or functionality.
Adding Tailwind CSS to Phoenix 1.6 with Node
A step-by-step tutorial for adding Tailwind CSS to a Phoenix 1.6 app with Node and PostCSS.
The Lifecycle of a Phoenix LiveView
In this video we walk through and explain the lifecycle of a LiveView, as well as explore what's on the wire. Good stuff!
Getting Started with Phoenix LiveView
In this video we build a basic Phoenix LiveView step-by-step from scratch.
What Is Phoenix LiveView?
LiveView brings the heat without any of the burn, enabling you to build Phoenix apps with interactive, real-time user experiences without writing custom JavaScript.
Using Active Storage in Rails 7
Gone are the days when you have to use external gems to handle file uploads in Rails. Active Storage is now built into Rails, and we walk you through how to set it up and use it for file uploads.
Adding Tailwind CSS to Phoenix 1.4 and 1.5
We walk step-by-step through how to add Tailwind CSS to Phoenix 1.4 and 1.5 apps.
How To Setup GraphQL in a Phoenix Application
Starting with a newly-generated Phoenix 1.4 app, we walk step-by-step through how to add a GraphQL API layer using Absinthe atop an Ecto data model.
What Is Absinthe?
Absinthe is a world-class GraphQL implementation in Elixir. Combine that with the super-fast Phoenix framework, and you've got yourself a robust, high-performance GraphQL API!
What Does A GraphQL API Know?
A GraphQL API is defined by a schema that describes everything that's possible. And GraphQL clients can introspect that schema. In this 6-minute video, you'll see how!
What Can GraphQL Do?
GraphQL lets you query your data, but there's so much more. In this 5-minute video, you'll see GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions in action!
What Is GraphQL?
It's an expressive query language for your API that blah, blah, blah... Indeed, our eyes glazed over every time we tried to write a definition for you. So we decided to take a different approach! In this short animation, you'll see what GraphQL is!
Create, Build, and Serve Apps with the Vue CLI
Learn how to rapidly create, build, and serve Vue.js apps in development and production environments using the Vue CLI.
Using Rails Session Cookies for API Authentication
Avoid the security perils of storing an API access token in localStorage by using session cookies to authenticate users of a Rails 5 API.
Integrate Elm with Rails
Rails 5 makes it easy to sprinkle bits of Elm into your app, or even to go all-in with Elm!
Create a Mix Project and Run Elixir Code
Creating an Elixir project and running code is straightforward thanks to good conventions and solid tooling.
Debug Elm Apps
The Elm debugger is a game-changer, and a conversation changer.
What Is Elm? Essentials of the Elm Language
Elm is getting a lot of attention these days, and you might be wondering what all the fuss is about.
Write Macros in Ruby
By recreating a simplified version of the has_many Rails declaration from scratch, you'll be able to apply this same powerful technique in your own Ruby code!
Map, Reduce, and Partition with Ruby
Ruby's Enumerable module is jam-packed with powerful methods. Knowing how to use them will instantly make you a more efficient Ruby programmer.
Master Ruby Block Syntax
To be an effective Ruby programmer, you'll need to master one of the language's most powerful features: blocks.
Rails Console Shortcuts, Tips, and Tricks
A handy collection of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to help you get the most out of your time in the Rails console.
View Source On Ruby Methods
Go directly to the source of any Ruby method and pop it open in your editor!