Master Ruby Block Syntax
December 03, 2014
To be an effective Ruby programmer, you’ll need to master one of the language’s most powerful features: blocks. Many of the methods in the Ruby standard library assume you have a solid understanding of blocks. And blocks are used pervasively in Ruby gems (including Rails) and all well-designed Ruby code.
Blocks in Ruby are simply chunks of code between braces (single-line blocks) or between do and end (multi-line blocks). You can’t execute a block of code directly. Instead, you must associate a block with a call to a method. When the method runs, it turns around and executes the code in the block. Depending on the method, it can also pass parameters to the associated block.

Our Mastering Ruby Blocks & Iterators course starts off with this primer on the syntax and style of writing a block:
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Level up your Ruby skills and improve the design of your code by mastering Ruby blocks and iterators with 40+ code examples in our Mastering Ruby Blocks course.