What is LiveView, what problems does it solve, and what can you do with it? Here’s our take in a 4-minute video for busy, curious developers:
In summary, LiveView offers some unique features:
LiveView uses a persistent websocket connection to send events to a stateful, lightweight Elixir process. So LiveView applications react almost instantly to user events. And both the client and server always stay in sync.
While other technologies that perform server-side rendering often send the whole page on every user event, LiveView knows exactly what changed and it sends clients only the changed values.
Changes on the server can also be pushed to multiple clients. That’s really important for building distributed, real-time applications.
LiveView is built on top of the Phoenix platform with built-in PubSub, presence tracking, and authentication systems. And the entire stack runs on the massively-scalable, fault-tolerant Erlang VM, so Phoenix can reliably handle millions of concurrent websocket connections.
A simple, yet powerful, programming model that’s a treat to use!
All in all, LiveView lets you to build interactive, real-time web apps faster and with less code.
🔥 Check Out Our In-Depth LiveView Course!
We distilled everything you need to know about LiveView, assembled it in the right order, and neatly packaged it as a video course that's paced for experienced, gotta-get-it-done developers like you. 🙌