LiveView Course Updated and Available in Early Access
February 07, 2023
Our Phoenix LiveView course has been updated and is now available in early access! 🎉
It’s been completely redesigned, top-to-bottom for LiveView 0.18 and Phoenix 1.7. Plus we’ve added brand new sections on HEEx templates, function and live components, declarative assigns, slots, live sessions, presence tracking, JS Commands, and more.

You’re gonna love how the latest versions of Phoenix and LiveView simplify and unify everything! 😄 And this course will help you build LiveView apps like a pro with:
- real-world mini-projects that solve a variety of common challenges
- practical techniques you can immediately apply to your own projects
- super-clear explanations so you get good mental models
We distilled everything you need to know about LiveView, assembled it in the right order, and neatly packaged it as a video course that’s paced for experienced, gotta-get-it-done developers just like you. 🙌
What’s In Early Access?
Instant access to the first 8 modules of the course. It’s practical stuff you can use right away!
Then every week or so after that (or as soon as we get them ready) we’ll roll out the next batch. That way you can incrementally knock out a few modules at a time until the course is 100% complete in March.
👉 Check out the full course outline.
It’s a free update if you own the previous Pro course.
Yup, you read that right. Simply go to your account dashboard and click the big green “REDEEM” button to get the new Pro course. (Don’t worry, you’ll still have access to the previous course.) Thank you for being an early adopter and supporting the course!
This being a free update and all, some of you recently asked about making a donation. (Wow, y’all are wonderful! 🧡) We consume copious amounts of coffee and tea in the Studio, so you could always buy us a cup. ☕️😋
What, you don’t own the Pro course? 😲
Why not give it a try? You can do amazing things with LiveView!
Imagine building multi-user, real-time, interactive web apps with Elixir rather than JavaScript. There’s so much already built in to Phoenix that you’ll be amazed at all the things you don’t have to do. Indeed, nothing stacks up to this stack. 🚀
And we’re obviously biased, but we think our course is the quickest, most approachable way to get up to speed on LiveView. There’s no monthly subscription or time limit. You own it for life.
Want a deal? We offer generous pro bundle and team discounts.
Know anyone with JS fatigue?
We’d love to help them increase their developer happiness with LiveView. 😉 It would mean a lot to us if you could take a second to give a shout-out about this course to a friend, in a tweet, on a forum, or wherever you hang out.