Phoenix Course Update #7: Ecto One-to-Many Associations
February 07, 2025
We’ve been steadily cranking away on our Full-Stack Phoenix course, and so far during early access we’ve released 40 of 60 modules. 🙌
Today we added 3 new videos to the course:
- Ecto One-to-Many Associations
- UI for One-to-Many
- Ecto Joins
There’s already a lot of Ecto content in the course, and now we start moving into the various types of associations you’d expect for modeling relationships between database tables. We start with the one-to-many and build out the UI to tie everything together, including the use of an Ecto join query.

With today’s new modules, the course now includes nearly 6.5 hours of video. Plus you get guided exercises after each video where you build a different Phoenix app from scratch to lock in what you learn. 🤓
And it’s up-to-date with the very latest versions of Phoenix and LiveView!
😄 Already own the course?
Jump over to the course and you’ll find the new videos and exercises ready for you!
🤔 Don’t own the course yet?
Early access pricing is still in effect, so you can get the course for only $179 right now.
Coming up next is a module on building a JSON API and then we’re on to a topic a lot of folks have been waiting for: user accounts and authentication.
As always, thanks for all your support!