Phoenix Course Update #2: Live Patching
November 22, 2024
We hope you’re enjoying early access to our Full-Stack Phoenix course! Today we added two new modules that are now ready for you:
- Handling URL Filter Params
- Live Patching

This caps off the search/filter form by making it easy to share the results. When the form changes, we update the URL to include the filter criteria.
And we learn the second way to live navigate: by “patching” the current LiveView rather than mounting a new one. By the end, the true purpose of the handle_params
callback is revealed! 😳
😄 Already own the course?
Hop over to the course and you’ll find the new videos and exercises ready for you!
🤔 Don’t own the course yet?
Early access pricing is still in effect, so you can get the course for only $179 right now.
Enjoy, and thanks for all your support!