The Pragmatic Studio

Updated Phoenix LiveView Course Officially Launches!

April 06, 2023

Today we’re excited to announce that our updated Phoenix LiveView course is now content-complete and out of early access! 🥳

We just released the final batch of 4 new videos which are all about file uploads. That brings the total course to 35 carefully-crafted videos (nearly 6 hours) and 50+ guided exercises to lock in what you learn.

It’s up-to-date with the very latest versions of Phoenix and LiveView. Indeed, this course is as hot and fresh as it gets! 🔥

Now onto what’s new this week…

File Uploads UI

File uploads are an essential part of many web apps. LiveView has fantastic built-in support for uploading multiple files concurrently with progress updates.

We start by designing a reactive UI to select the files to upload, which includes:

  • declaring auto-enforced constraints

  • rendering the form with interactive file selection

  • handling general and file-specific errors

  • showing an image preview and progress bar for each selected file

  • removing (kicking out) invalid or unwanted files

  • and yeah, we get fancy with drag and drop! 😎

Uploading Files to Your Server

With the UI ready to go, it’s time to upload some files! 📡 👀

We start by uploading to your Phoenix server and consuming the files so they’re associated with a record in the database. And by using PubSub to broadcast updates, everyone sees newly-uploaded images in real-time.

Uploading Files to a Cloud-Storage Service

Need to upload files to an external cloud-storage service? 🌤️ Not a problem. We switch things around to upload directly to Amazon S3 while enforcing all the file constraints.

✅ In the end, you’ll have a turn-key direct-to-server or direct-to-cloud solution that you can easily adapt to your own needs. And you’ll understand how it all works!

Finish the course, or get started today!

If you already own the course (thank you!), just head over to the course and you’ll find the new modules waiting for you!

Or if you’ve been waiting for the course to be 100% complete before picking up your copy, it’s now ready for you! We distilled everything you need to know about LiveView, assembled it in the right order, and neatly packaged it as a video course that’s paced for experienced, gotta-get-it-done developers like you. 🙌

We sincerely appreciate all your support as we’ve completely updated this course for the very latest versions of Phoenix and LiveView.

We hope you enjoy it!