Hotwire Course Early Access is Open
February 02, 2022
Big news: Hotwire for Rails Developers is now available in early access! 🎉
And we think it’s gonna forever change how you develop Rails frontends. Why? Simple: you no longer need to climb the JavaScript mountain to build modern, dynamic frontends with Rails.
Hotwire gives you a practical, no-nonsense alternative that makes you the hero without any of the heroic efforts. Plus it’s baked right into Rails 7, and yet works equally well in Rails 6 apps.
This course shows you exactly how to use Hotwire to improve the speed and responsiveness of a real Rails app. No hype or hand-waving here.
Why Early Access?
Simply put, because Rails 7 is out and a ton of you have expressed interest in this course.
Every day we get emails and Twitter DMs like “I need this NOW! What’s the ETA?”
Well good news, y’all. With what’s in Early Access, you’ll learn all the facets of Hotwire… today! No need to wait for the course to be 100% complete.
What’s in Early Access?
Quite a lot, actually!
We didn’t really plan to cover so much so early. But the structure of this course is different.
A typical course might start with a basic use of Turbo Drive and (hours later) end with an advanced use of Stimulus.
However, we start with a traditional Rails app and, going page by page, we apply various aspects of Hotwire. The app has 4 pages showcasing a wide range of common UI scenarios. And it turned out that the first page alone benefits from a little bit of everything:
Turbo Drive to speed up page navigation
Turbo Frames to dynamically update part of the page
Turbo Streams to modify multiple elements on the page (without writing JavaScript 😉)
And even Stimulus for a search-as-you-type feature
The first page alone is a mini-project. 🏗
It covers a lot of bases. And it’s a great introduction to how everything works and fits together.
Combine that with the right mental models you’ll pick up from the animations and behind-the-scenes looks, and you’ll be able to immediately start slipping Hotwire into your pages.
And that’s just the beginning
There’s more coming!
In upcoming weeks we’ll release new course modules on everything from filtering datatables to pagination to realtime updates and beyond. It’s fun and practical stuff you can use in any app! 🚀
👉 Check out the full course outline.
Scoop it up at a limited-time price
If just one video, code snippet, tip, or technique saves you an hour of time, then it’s totally worth it! We’ve done all the work and research for you. 🤓
Start the course today to see how to integrate Hotwire into a real-world app without breaking stuff.