Rails 6 Course Is Complete! 🚀 Special Launch Price
November 07, 2019

Our Rails course is now completely updated for Rails 6! Thank you all for your patience and feedback over the many months it took us to remake this 8-hour course. 😅
Our first priority was to update the topics from our initial course. With that now out of the way, we’re excited about adding new videos to the course in the coming months, perhaps including ActionText, ActiveStorage, Webpack, and other topics new with Rails 6.
You’ll learn how to pragmatically build and design Rails 6 apps from scratch with a project-based approach. The full course includes:
- 8 hours of live coding
- 50 streamable and downloadable videos (all with English subtitles)
- 48 chapter workbook with step-by-step exercises
- 45 animations to give you a deeper understanding of how and why
- All the source code, of course!
- Never-ending access (no monthly subscription)
We put hundreds of hours into redoing this course and our hope is you’ll feel empowered to now build your own awesome Rails 6 apps!
Final Videos Released Today
#40 Friendly URLs and Callbacks
URLs are the user interface of the web. As such, they require intentional design. One common technique is to include meaningful and friendly names (rather than numeric ids) in resource URLs. We show you exactly how to do that, exploring Active Record callbacks along the way.

#41 Deployment
Putting your Rails app into production shouldn’t cause fear and trembling. Deploying Rails apps has gotten a lot easier over the years thanks in large part to cloud services such as Heroku. We’ll show you how to deploy your Rails app for the first time, and incrementally roll out application updates with ease!

🚀 Enjoy!