Giving Hope: 30% of January's Sales To Go To Preemptive Love
January 03, 2017
"Violence unmakes the world,
but preemptive love has the power to unmake violence."

Update: Thank you for giving a lot of hope this year! Your purchases in January made it possible for Preemptive Love Coalition to feed 100 families for a month and provide sleeping bags for 100 people. There is still so much hope and help to be given in 2017. Find out more about their inspiring and courageous work in their 2-minute video. Thank you for standing with refugee children and families in Syria and Iraq!

Violence unmade the world for families in Syria and Iraq last year. The terror, slavery, separation, extortion, hunger, fear, heartbreak, poisoning of water springs, and cold nights were widespread. There was no discrimination or favoritism shown when it came to the loss of children, parents, husbands, wives, homes, businesses, and communities for Syrian, Iraqis, Kurds, Christians, Muslims, Yazidis. The young and old, the rich and poor, the rural and urban were all victims in the Middle East violence.
And while we know we cannot singlehandedly change the situation for all the families in Aleppo, Mosul, Damascus, or Fallujah, we are striving to resist the temptation to divide the situation into “us” versus “them” and turn away. Collectively we can actively give hope. Just maybe we can give enough hope and love to unmake the violence and forge peace.
So, here’s the small part we’d like to do together with all of you: 30% of the sales from all your course purchases in January will be donated to a charity that’s close to our hearts. We’ve been following the inspiring and courageous work of Preemptive Love Coalition for some time now. For this first month of the new year, we’re selecting them to act as our hands and feet to the families in Syria and Iraq that need food and water, sleeping bags, small business grants, education in conflict-zones, lifesaving heart surgeries for children, and the chance for reconciliation and restoration.
We’d be so delighted if you’d join us in giving hope this New Year!
P.S. If you already own all our courses (many thanks!) and want to start your new year off by giving real, tangible hope, you can give directly to Preemptive Love Coalition. We’d love to hear from you if you do so and find out what stirred in your heart.